Find out how healthy your diet really is with my quick and easy quiz. Remember though, this is just a general guide - everyone will need their own individual modifications to make a diet truly healthy for them.
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How Healthy Is Your Diet?
Circle your answers after careful thought, then add up your points (numbers in parentheses).
How many fruits do you normally eat each day (1/2 cup fresh or dried fruit, 1 medium piece, 1 cup unsweetened juice)?
0 (-2)
1 (0)
2 to 3 (+2)
4 or more (+3) (score) _____
How many vegetable servings do you normally eat each day (1 cup leafy greens, 1/2 cup any other veggie, raw or cooked)?
0 (-4)
1 (0)
2 (+1)
3-4 (+2)
5 or more (+3) (score) _____
How many different varieties of vegetables do you eat in a normal month?
2 or less (-4)
3 to 4 (0)
5 to 6 (+1)
7 to 8 (+3)
9 or more (+4) (score) _____
How many times do you eat dried beans or peas (legumes, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, green peas, etc.) in a normal week?
heaps, they give me gas but I eat them anyway (-3)
0 (-2)
1 to 2 (0)
3 to 4 (+1)
5 to 6 (+2)
7 or more (+3)
They upset my tummy so I avoid them (+3) (score) _____
How many times do you eat red meat in a normal week?
6 or more (-4)
4 to 5 (-3)
1 to 3 (-1)
Less than once a week (+2)
A couple of times a week but always organic grass fed (+3)
0 (+3) (score) _____
How many times do you eat in a fast food restaurant in a normal week?
6 or more (-5)
4 to 5 (-4)
1 to 3 (-3)
Less than once a week (-2)
0 (0) (score) _____
In a typical day, what do you drink most often?
Soda (regular or diet) (-4)
Caffeinated coffee or tea (-1)
Decaffeinated coffee or tea (0)
Milk or fruit juice (0)
Herbal tea or water (+3) (score) _____
How many 12 oz. cans of soda do you drink in a normal day?
6 or more (-5)
4 to 5 (-4)
2 to 3 (-3)
1 (-2)
Less than 1 (-1)
0 (0) (score) _____
How often do you eat fish in a typical week?
Never (-2)
Once (+1)
Twice (+2)
3 to 5 times (+3) (score) _____
In a typical week, how often do you eat whole grains (100% whole grain bread, whole oats, brown rice, quinoa, whole rye crackers)?
Never but I eat white rice, white bread and cereal (-3)
Several times per day (-2)
1 to 2 times a week (-1)
3 to 4 times a week (0)
5 to 6 times a week (+1)
1 serving per day maximum (+3)
Never, I am grain free (+4) (score) _____
How often do you eat sweets such as cookies, cakes, or ice cream?
1 or more times a day (-3)
Every other day (-2)
Twice a week (-1)
Once a week (0)
2 to 3 times a month (+1)
Rarely (+3) (score) _____
Your Total Score__________________
Scoring: 22–29 – Great eating habits
17–21 – Pretty good eating habits
10–16 – Needs some improvement
9 or less – Needs much improvement; try to change one habit at a time