In my last post we discussed signs of magnesium deficiency. If you haven't read it yet please click here.
Today we're going to discuss, how to increase magnesium levels without a supplement. I use a magnesium supplement every day and also take frequent epsom salt baths. This is my therapeutic and medicinal use of magnesium to promote excellent energy, reduce cravings, improve my recovery from exercise and also to regulate female hormones.
However while supplements are fabulous, when you take the right one, it is of fundamental importance to understand how to get more magnesium from your diet. Here's my top 5 tips:

Decrease your drainage: Firstly there is no point eating lots of magnesium rich foods or taking a supplement if you're eating lots of foods which drain you of this vital nutrient. Cut back on refined foods, packaged foods, white flour, sugars (fruit doesn't count here), coffee, alcohol and also try to get a good night's sleep. (click here to read about how to improve sleep).
Eat more leafy greens: Not only are leafy greens rich in magnesium, they are also energy boosters, detox boosters, contain fiber which boosts your healthy bugs in the gut, are low calorie nutrition power-houses suitable for weight loss and muscle gain and also alkalise the body leading to more energy and reduced stress. Just 1 cup of spinach and/or swiss chard contains 155-157mg of magnesium.

Eat nuts and seeds: those which are particularly high include pumpkin seeds and brazil nuts - add them to salads, fruit salads, smoothies or even just snack between meals. Pumpkin seeds contain 151mg of magnesium per 30g. That's pretty substantial and could definitely lead to a calmer afternoon.

I know you'll like this one - Eat dark chocolate, cacao smoothies and home made chocolate muffins or protein balls as treats: Read more about the health benefits in my blog about chocolate here. Just 1 square of dark chocolate can provide 95mg of magnesium - mix this with some pumpkin seeds for the greatest benefit.

Eat more figs: One medium sized fig contains around 50mg of magnesium. I'd be happy to eat 10 figs for my daily dose - how about you?
So now you have my top 5 tips for improving your magnesium levels naturally and without supplements. Get this right and you're sure to improve your health. Take a supplement and that now becomes an added benefit for exceptional health, rather than purely making up the difference to counteract a deficit that an unbalanced diet creates.
Until next time, stay deliciously healthy.

Jennifer May